A.C.T. Seeks Tenders


The ACT Government is inviting the construction sector to partner with us on the expansion and renewal of the Canberra Theatre Centre.

Suitably experienced and qualified contractors are now invited to submit an Expression of Interest to work in partnership with Major Projects Canberra and the Cultural Facilities Corporation on this once in a generation infrastructure project.

This is an opportunity to be involved in a city-shaping cultural precinct that will help build Canberra’s future.

The Government is seeking construction industry involvement and partnership to advance the project through an early contractor involvement (ECI) model.

This will be a two-stage process, starting with a request for Expressions of Interest, closing 13 August 2024.

Following assessment of the Expressions of Interest, the ACT Government will invite shortlisted tenderers to respond to a Request for Tender.

The selected construction industry partner will be announced early 2025. For more information visit tenders.act.gov.au.

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