Cops Blunder – Arrest Man for Trespassing at his own home


A.C.T. Police are in hot water in what appears to have been the racial profiling of a man, arrested at his own home for trespassing.

Eventhough Police were caught on tape, doing the wrong thing, they won’t apologise and have even come up with an excuse, to say the man resisted arrest and assaulted police.

Last Thursday, the Narrabundah man – originally from Zimbabwe, was poolside at the apartment complex.. when a neighbour called police.

When officers arrived, instead of FIRST checking the facts, he was arrested.

He released 10 minutes later when red faced officers realised their mistake.

In a statement, police say the man actually resisted and caused minor injury to an officer’s hand… but no offences were committed, and the matter’s been finalised.

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