Government renews support for racing industry


Special Minister of State Chris Steel has renewed his support for the ACT’s racing industry, after facing questions about an agreement during budget estimates.

Canberra Liberals MLA Mark Parton raised issues over a Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) signed between the government and thoroughbred park officials, during the final day of estimates yesterday.

The government signed the MOU with the racing club to provide them with around  8 million dollars in funding over a five year period, a move which was previously opposed by the ACT Greens.

Minister Steel has told estimates talks are continuing with the racing club to ensure the sector is viable.

“We do see a future for racing in the ACT and we want to work closely with the industry,” Minister Steel told estimates.

Mr Steel says one of the issues flagged in the 5 year agreement relates to the development of the club’s current site and the opportunities that could present, particularly in consolidating Harness Racing and the rest of the industry with new facilities.

He says the government will discuss those factors with club officials under the MOU arrangements which would provide them with further certainty about their future.

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