Labor’s Funding Commitment To AIS


Federal Labor will commit $15 million dollars to reopening the AIS Arena in Bruce, if it wins the upcoming election.

The party’s Canberra representatives say this project will not only upgrade fire safety, it will also upgrade seating, lighting, toilets and other facilities, and improve amenity across the precinct.

It comes after Liberal Senator Zed Seselja committed $11.4 million to the venue in the early stages of the campaign…

Labor Senator Katy Gallagher has labelled that a ‘half-baked commitment to reopen the arena because the Government is feeling the pressure in an election campaign.’

“This is a Commonwealth owned facility and with the Morrison Government in power and with Zed in place, they did nothing to the point that it had to close because it was unsafe to keep it open,” Gallagher said.

“That tells you everything you need to know about their approach, and they’re only putting in the make safe arrangements because they’re under pressure to keep a Senate seat, so I feel people can see it for what it is.”


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