Rise in Bulk Billing GP’s in Canberra


It seems more Canberra based GP’s have resumed bulk billing policies, but there’s still a large amount of patients who face out of pocket expenses.

New Commonwealth figures show bulk billing rates in the A.C.T. increased 5-and-a-half percent.

But the A.C.T. still has the lowest availability of a fee-free visit compared with other jurisdictions.

The figures show, Only 57 percent of Canberra GP’s don’t require a patient to pay out of pocket.

NSW has the best rate… with 80% of outlets offering fee-free visits.

Federal Health Minister MARK BUTLER says it’s because of a tripling of the bulk billing incentive for doctors.

The post Rise in Bulk Billing GP’s in Canberra appeared first on 2CC Talking Canberra.