Canberra Liberals Vote No on Voice Motion


The Canberra Liberals have voted down a motion in the Legislative Assembly, calling on all members to support the Voice to Parliament.

The motion put forward by Labor Backbencher Dr Marisa Paterson also called for members to condemn any misinformation spread by the ‘no’ campaign.

Canberra Liberals leader Elizabeth Lee told the Assembly this week, that this motion will discredit the work that the advisory body will do.

While Mark Parton spoke emotionally about his Indigenous heritage in his motion response, but said the motion was based on the assumption that those in the Opposition would vote no.

While ACT Health Minister Rachel Stephen-Smith took the opportunity to slam the Liberals’ Deputy Leader Jeremy Hanson over a social media post.

Mr Hanson posted a Google Form link to his Facebook page some days ago, urging people to sign up to a local campaign against the Voice to Parliament.

Ms Stephen-Smith said the post is an example of the divisions within Canberra Liberals leadership.

Both Ms Lee and Mr Parton have both publicly stated their support for the Voice to Parliament

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