Masters Games To Bring Tourism Boost


Tens of millions of dollars is expected to flow into the ACT’s economy when it hosts the Australian Masters Games in 2025.

The Games sees the best athletes aged over 30 compete in a range of different sports.

Canberra Region Tourism Leaders Forum Chair David Marshall says our city is the perfect venue for the games.

“They love a good time, and part of the reason they picked Canberra is because of the attractions and restaurants,” Mr Marshall said.

“So they’ll compete through the day and then party at night bringing in a lot of money.”

Minister for Sport and Recreation Yvette Berry said the Australian Masters Games has an extensive program of more than 50 sports for competitors and supporters to enjoy.

“Sport participation provides avenues for people to meet, build new friendships, stay physically active and support their overall wellbeing,” Minister Berry said.

“The Masters Games are open to athletes aged over 30 and some competitors continue into their 90s.

“Hosting the event is an opportunity for us to show off our beautiful city and demonstrate why we have one of the highest sports participation rates in the country.”

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