Renewed Search


Sixteen years after Laura Haworth went missing during a Summernats weekend, ACT Policing is issuing a renewed call to the Canberra community and surrounding districts for information.

Laura was last seen at her friend’s house on Collett Street in Queanbeyan on Saturday, 5 January 2008.

Laura left in her red Mazda 121 and has not made any contact with family or friends since.

Laura’s Mazda was later located in Reid, ACT. Despite a significant search of the area, Laura was not located.

Detective Senior Constable Shannon Pugsley from ACT Policing’s Criminal Investigations urged anyone who has information surrounding Laura’s disappearance, including those who were visiting from interstate for Summernats 21, to come forward and speak to investigators.

“We believe there are people in the community and surrounding areas that have information about Laura and her movements that weekend in January 2008,” Detective Senior Constable Pugsley said.

“Given Summernats was also taking place in Canberra at the time Laura was last seen, there may be people who were visiting from interstate who may have information.

“We are appealing to those people to come forward to assist in the investigation, and in turn Laura’s family.

“Any piece of information, no matter how small, could be of importance to investigators.”

Laura’s family have shared the following statement:

16 years ago today, our lives changed unexpectedly. Our beautiful Laura disappeared. Laura is a mother, a daughter, a sister and a friend and we ache to know what has happened to her.   

Any information you, or anyone you know has, will help piece this puzzle together.     

Every day we live with what ifs, whys, and maybes. The pain of not knowing what has happened to Laura is brutal and has a huge impact on our daily lives. 

Laura‘s family thank those who have already provided information and encourage anyone else with information to report it to Crime Stoppers.  

With your help, we will get the answers. 

With your help, we will find out what has happened to Laura. Please help us find the answers. If you or anyone you know has any information, please contact Crime Stoppers. 

Laura we love you and miss you. You have a loving family waiting for news, please, please be in touch. 

The post Renewed Search appeared first on 2CC Talking Canberra.