Bushfire Tribute – 20 Years On


There’ve been tributes for a Canberra artist who created the territory’s bushfire memorial.

Tess Horwitz passed away just ahead of today’s reflection of the 2003 blaze.

Many who lived in the Nation’s Capital will never forget the day the fires ripped through the South Western suburbs of Canberra, as the first ever documented fire tornado in Australia burned with devastating effect.

We remember the four lives lost, the 500 homes, the Mount Stromlo Forestry Settlement, the damage to our dams, it saw Canberra rely on Googong Dam, reducing our water reserves to just 15 per cent.

Reporter Brent Ford remembers how ordinary Canberrans  rallied together in the face of adversity.

Brent was just nine and still remembers how dark the sky was on January 18, 2003.

A telethon following the fire raised hundreds of thousands of dollars, and the late Win Television Newsreader Peter Leonard said the fire served as a reminder Canberra was more than the bubble:

Today is a reflection of how far our city has come in 20 years, with a full day of Commemorations to be held at Stromlo Forest Park.

The post Bushfire Tribute – 20 Years On appeared first on 2CC Talking Canberra.