Summer Police Campaign Begins


ACT Policing’s Hot Nights, Cool Choices campaign is underway.

As we enter the summer season, “Hot Nights, Cool Choices” has been established to promote safe attitudes and behaviours, particularly in relation to alcohol, partying and personal safety.

The summer months in the ACT historically result in an increase of alcohol related incidents and arrests due to the increase of people, parties and events in licensed venues.

The Hot Nights, Cool Choices campaign will run from December 2023 to February 2024, targeting teenagers and young adults (18 – 35-year-olds) who may engage in anti-social or unlawful behaviour.

The campaign will remind the community that there are consequences for poor behaviour. Police can issue Criminal Infringement Notices for antisocial and illegal behaviour, including for the following:

  • Urinating in a public place – $200 fine
  • Riding a scooter without a helmet – $154 fine
  • Supply liquor to an intoxicated person – $110 fine
  • Abuse, threaten or intimidate staff – $220 fine
  • Fail to leave premises when directed – $440 fine
  • Consume alcohol in unauthorised public places – $110 fine
  • Remaining within 50m of licences premises after being removed or refused admission – $440 fine
  • Fighting, assaults, affray – face court
  • Riding a scooter while under the influence – face court


Officer in Charge of City Police Station, Acting Inspector Scott van der Valk, urged people to consider the consequences of their actions when out socialising as we approach the festive season.

“We don’t want to spoil the fun this summer, but we will respond to antisocial or illegal behaviour and issue fines where appropriate,” Acting Inspector Van der Valk said.

“ACT Policing’s Territory Targeting Team, along with other patrols and teams will be out in force this summer across the ACT.

“If you act irresponsibly and break the law, you may be paying off an expensive ticket or infringement, or find yourself spending the next morning in court.

“The message heading into summer is simple – have fun, be safe, and remember your night out for the right reasons by making the right decisions.

“Everyone has a role to play to ensure this summer is a safe one.”

Find out more about alcohol and drug safety, safe party behaviours and the ACT drug law reforms, to assist you in making cool choices this summer.

The post Summer Police Campaign Begins appeared first on 2CC Talking Canberra.